Your opportunity to achieve unique brand association and recognition
15th April 2015
Green Gown Awards recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK. The Awards, established in 2004, are the most prestigious recognition of best practice within the tertiary education sector.
We are looking to sustainable business for sponsors. Why sponsor:
• These Awards are a fixture in the calendar of Vice Chancellors, Principals, Senior Managers, Heads of Sustainability as well as faculty staff and students! Get your organisation seen and positioned as a leader in the provision of environmentally-sound products, services and technologies
• It provides a unique opportunity for year-long dissemination exposure to the tertiary education sector through multiple platforms –
click here for facts and figures
• Receive a personal invitation to attend the judging network offering access to an elite group of 90+ representatives from sector organisations – 54% of which are based in a university or college
• Recognition of “your brand” and “your company” with “awarding sustainability excellence” within the tertiary education sector – one sponsor per category. With new and updated categories we are sure there is one suited for you!
Get your company involved today and select your package to be part of the 2015 Green Gown Awards. Join today as an
EAUC Company Member to receive significant discounts on packages!
Download the full Green Gown Awards 2015
sponsorship opportunities booklet.
Find out more or register your interest by contacting the team on 01242 714321 at
[email protected].