The BIG Energy & Environmental Staff Development Needs Survey

2nd February 2007

Do you need to have some understanding of energy and environmental issues in your work? Universities and colleges are under great pressure to improve their environmental performance. One potential barrier is a lack of relevant knowledge and skills. EAUC and HEEPI have developed this survey to establish how important this is, where the main gaps are, and what can be done to fill them.

Please help to improve the sector’s future skill base, and your own personal development opportunities, by taking around 10 minutes to complete this important survey.

Answers are confidential and will be used to design a programme of professional yet affordable sector based staff development.

We need your help to make this survey as useful as possible, so please pass this link widely around your colleagues. This includes:

Deadline for replies is Monday 19th February

Click on this link to start

For non technical help with this survey contact

Thank you!