Sustainability Skills for Growth - Draft Report
26th March 2013
This LSIS project led by ESD Consulting Ltd and Bedford College aims to explore sustainability skills, their relevance to employment, employers and business, and the opportunities challenges and barriers to the FE and skills sector in leading the development of those skills.
This is one of two research projects that LSIS has recently commissioned on the topic of sustainability. Together they are intended to develop our understanding of the relevance of sustainability to learning and skills development, and identify effective approaches that can be shared and embedded. The other project, led for LSIS by Change That Matters and Action for Sustainability, explores the relationship and relevance of sustainability and sustainable development to further education, to identify the specific skills and knowledge that teaching staff require to effectively embed sustainability in teaching, learning and the curriculum, and to determine key ingredients, opportunities and strategies. Although they are separate projects, the project teams worked closely together.
The on-line survey for the Sustainability Skills for Growth research was completed by 111 individuals employed in all parts of the learning and skills sector and related sectors. This report presents the survey results and outlines recommendations.
The final report will be developed based on the responses to these recommendations.
draft report, which can be downloaded below, includes 12 consultation questions.
Please note that this is a
draft of the report to help test out the research findings and recommendations prior to finalisation and publication. It has not been signed off and is not for widespread distribution or public sharing.
The consultation closes on
31st March.
All responses should be sent to:
Katie Luxton
Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Coordinator
Bedford College
Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AH
[email protected]