Study on HEI networks and their link to urban planning

16th February 2016

Mathieu Garnier from Tetragora in France who is conducting a study for "la Caisse des Dépôts" on HEI networks and their link to urban planning. How HEIs are taking in account networks and grids (electricity, water, waste, mobility, ICT, heat...) during their planning operation (new site, new buildings), what are their best practices etc
Tetragora has just finished a first study on district heating for campuses which has demonstrated that campuses don't take enough account of the potential of district heating.

They now wish to widen the scope and study how campuses implement an integrated approach in urban planning issues : heating and electric networks / grid, waste and water management, ICTs, mobility (linking with the investment needed or contractualisaton). As campuses want to get close to the smart or eco campuses concepts, what are the best practices we can gather that other european campuses have already been implementing?

A survey is attached using the link on this page. Please complete it and return to Mathieu may follow up some responses and will ensure that everyone who completes the survey will get a copy of the results.
Study on HEI networks and their link to urban planning  image #1
