SORTED website launches

9th January 2008

SORTED. The Sustainability Online Resource and Toolkit for Education is launched today by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) in partnership with the Learning and Skills Council (LSC).

The new website: helps those working in Further Education and Work-Based Learning to understand why sustainability is important and so relevant to their organisations. The site also gives inspiration and practical ideas to help learning providers take their first sustainable steps. It also directs users to key resources, tools and case studies.

SORTED is divided up into 4 main categories, reflecting the key areas of the LSC’s Strategy for Sustainable Development (From Here to Sustainability, September 2005 ):

  •   Leadership and Management
  •   Community and Business
  •   Buildings and Estates
  •   Teaching and Learning.

EAUC and the LSC are keen for the FE system to develop a sense of ownership of the resources. Rob Wye, Director, Strategy and Communications Group and The Learning Group and Caroline Neville, Regional Director, East of England and Chair of the LSC Sustainable Development Implementation and Delivery Group, said:

‘This can only be a starting point. There is more experience and good practice to learn from and the perspective of all types of providers needs to be better represented. We therefore encourage everyone to think about how they can contribute to the resources as well as using them. In this way the resources will grow and develop over time in a way that truly meets the needs of providers.’

Iain Patton, Executive Director of the EAUC said:

‘Colleges and training providers are now realising they have the potential to make their local economies and communities better and more sustainable places. Now they have a powerful resource to help them achieve that. The EAUC is committed to working with the sector to take its rightful place as a pioneer of sustainability.’


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