New round of LSIS funding launched, new RSAs appointed
12th June 2012
Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) have launched a new round of the Stepping Up in Sustainability Fund on Friday 1 June.
The Stepping Up in Sustainability Fund exists to support projects to develop, expand and embed effective approaches to sustainable development, and to share these approaches with other providers.
The 2012 Fund, focusing on leadership and learning, will provide funding of up to £10,000 for projects focusing on one or more of the following topics:
- Leadership and capacity building
- Teaching, learning and curriculum
- Sustainability skills for growth - Future skills and responding to employer needs
- FE-HE partnership working on any of the above topics
Full details are available on the LSIS website
New Regional Sustainability Advisers appointed
LSIS are delighted to confirm that three new LSIS Regional Sustainability Advisers (RSAs) have been appointed, as follows:
- London: Emma Bara, Redbridge Institute
- South East: Howard Lee, Hadlow College
- Yorkshire and the Humber: Georgiana Weatherill, Leeds City College
Both the London and South East roles are being filled for the first time, while Georgiana takes over from Ann Harding, who has left the sector. Our thanks go to Ann for her hard work to date in the region, and to all of the RSAs for their commitment to furthering sustainability within their region and to supporting and working with other providers.
A full list of the RSAs is available for download below. All of the RSAs will be running networking events over the coming months, and details will follow in due course.
New dates for the
Leaders of the Future programme to be announced soon.
Please feel free to email us at
[email protected] if you have any questions or comments about the Leading and Learning for a Sustainable Future strategy, or about any of the above. If you have colleagues who would like to receive these updates, please send us their email address and we will add them to the circulation list.