Learning for Sustainability Champions Training Opportunity

6th December 2019

Learning for Sustainability Scotland and EAUC-Scotland have developed the College Learning for Sustainability Champions programme to help college teaching staff address sustainability in their learning and teaching. As part of the programme, one ‘Learning for Sustainability (LfS) Champion’ from each teaching department at the college is offered a mixture of face-to-face and online professional learning to develop their own practice, test what they have learned with a group of students, then help them to share their learning with their colleagues.

The programme was successfully piloted from January – May 2019 at Dundee and Angus College.

Environmental and sustainability issues affect us all, and we all have a responsibility to work together collectively to tackle them.  The College LfS Champions programme gave us the opportunity, structure and framework to embed the importance of environmental and social sustainability into the Learning & Teaching of all areas of the College in a fun, practical and engaging way.” 

Simon Hewitt, Vice Principal, D&A College

The College Development Network is working with Learning for Sustainability Scotland and EAUC-Scotland to offer more colleges across Scotland access to this free, 10-week programme (starting February and split over the Easter break). The aim is to enable colleges to develop a whole-institution approach to sustainability in the curriculum and have a positive impact on students. Colleges will go through the process simultaneously to enable learning and engagement between institutions. The Call for Participants and full details of how to get involved can be found below.

How can I get involved?

Make an expression of interest to [email protected] before 11 December 2019, confirming you can meet all the requirements and stating why your college is interested in participating.   

Any questions should be directed to Betsy King at [email protected].
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