Launching the 2008 - 2013 EAUC Strategic Plan

2nd November 2007

Some Strategic Plans are made to sit on shelves and gather dust. I am pleased (and relieved) to say that the EAUC Strategic Plan for 2008 to 2013 is not going to be one of them!

Thank you

I am delighted to launch this excellent piece of work which will lead the EAUC for the next 5 years. Its strength is two fold. 1 in it brevity and simplicity and 2 that is has come about from a dynamic partnership of EAUC members and supporters. On behalf of the EAUC Executive, can I thank those of you who contributed to the process.

The Plan

The 5 year Strategic framework boils down to 5 key objectives:

1. That all UK further & higher education institutions are members of the EAUC, with membership benefits and influence felt throughout each institution.

2. That members and sector stakeholders are empowered to embed sustainability into strategic and operational decision making.

3. That the EAUC remains forward thinking, pro-active and can influence current thinking in sustainable development and how it relates to further and higher education.

4. That the EAUC has strong, meaningful, external partnerships covering all aspects of sustainability of benefit to the sector.

5. That the EAUC runs a financially, socially and environmentally sustainable business supporting further and higher education for long term sector benefit.

Each year an annual action plan will direct our work in detail for that year.

Punching Hard

This new focus and clarity of purpose is already leading the EAUC to punch well above its weight with our input being sought for more and more events, projects and national policy development. It is as your champion and representative that the EAUC has a powerful mandate to develop new mechanisms to support your work while also lobbying for strategic change.

Iain Patton, Executive Director

See the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan at