Launch of the EAUC 'Carbon Intensive Research Universities and Colleges' Community of Practice

1st September 2010

A number of EAUC Members face unique challenges arising from the complex research that is carried out in their institution. Often high levels of energy is required, the work is based in older/historic buildings and a research-led culture adds further sustainability complications.

To help address these challenges, the EAUC is establishing a new Community of Practice to support these members.
The aims of group include;

• Identify common challenges
• Develop initiatives to address these challenges
• Prepare for CIF2
• Share best practice
• Look for ways of collaborative working
• Feed into EAUC understanding and planning (training, conference workshops, case studies etc),

Martin Wiles, Head of Sustainability at the University of Bristol, has offered to launch the group and will in the first instance Convene it. The Group will exist primarily virtually as a jiscmail discussion network with supporting closed email network and web repository at  However the group is welcome to meet face to face and Martin is proposing that a launch meeting is held asap. I will leave Martin to propose a date/venue.

Membership of the group is open to any colleague in a member organisation which identifies with the challenges of working in a carbon intensive research-led insitution. Please pass this email on to any other colleague who may be interested - they are welcome to join.

To join please email  with your name, email address, institution name and job title. By joining you will also receive the EAUC newsletters and updates - if you do not wish to receive these please let us know.

Iain Patton
Chief Executive

Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges


Launch of the EAUC 'Carbon Intensive Research Universities and Colleges' Community of Practice image #1