Invitation to Tender - Promoting Poverty-Aware Procurement on Campus
21st July 2009
Closing date - 12 noon, Monday 17 August 2009
The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) invites tenders for delivery of its Promoting Poverty-Aware Procurement Campus project.
Funded by the Department for International Development, the aim of the project is to raise awareness of the issues of poverty amongst university and college procurement professionals and to produce guidance on Poverty-Aware Procurement within the further and higher education sectors.
The contract will commence in September 2009 and will be completed by 31 March 2010. The value of the contract is £50,000. The attached Invitation to Tender details the background to the procurement, specifies the activities and outputs which the EAUC wishes to procure and provides details of the competition being conducted by the EAUC to select a supplier to enter into a contract for the provision of the EAUC's requirements.
Tenders should be sent to:
Sarah Lee
Programmes and Events Manager
Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges
Queen Margaret University
Queen Margaret University Drive
East Lothian
EH21 6UU
Tenderers should ensure their Tender is submitted to the EAUC no later than 12 noon, Monday 17 August 2009. Interviews will be held in Edinburgh on Thursday 27 August 2009.
During the Tender preparation period, Tenderers may submit written questions and requests for clarification or further information. Tenderers should address their questions and requests for clarification or further information as regards any technical or administrative enquiries to Sarah Lee (
[email protected]).