Green Gown Awards: Winners Announced

18th March 2008

Three of the Green Gown Award Categories were announced at the AUDE conference yesterday, on 17th March. The winners are as follows:

Continuous Improvement

Winner (projects): Sheffield Hallam University

Highly Commended (projects): University of Birmingham

Winner (institution): University of Gloucestershire

Energy and Water Efficiency

Winner: University of Dundee

Highly Commended: Swansea Metropolitan University

Sustainable Construction

Winner: Somerset College of Arts and Technology

Highly Commended: University of Surrey

Congratulations to all involved!

The remaining categories of Colleges and Smaller Institutions, Courses, Residences, Social Responsibility and Student Initiatives will be announced and presented by James Strawbridge (from the BBC’s it’s not easy being green) at the EAUC conference on Tuesday 1st April. If you have not already booked, you can find more information and book online now at:

Formal press releases and press coverage will take place after the final categories have been announced.
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