ES Concordat Oversight Group
20th August 2024
Following the publication of the new concordat for the Environmental Sustainability of Research and Innovation Practice earlier this year, an oversight group is being set up.
The concordat was developed collaboratively by stakeholders across the research and innovation sector and is aimed at organisations across the sector. It represents a shared ambition for the UK to continue delivering cutting-edge research, but in a more environmentally responsible and sustainable way. It is a voluntary agreement, with research and innovation organisations encouraged to show their support for the Concordat by becoming either a signatory or supporter.
UKRI, Wellcome Trust and EAUC are working in collaboration to form a light touch sector-wide oversight group to ensure effective implementation of the concordat.
We are seeking expressions of interest from people in joining the group. Our goal is for the oversight group to include representatives from across the sector and we are reaching out to a wide range of organisations to ask for representatives to step forward.
We have also reached out to the members of the Board who approved the concordat to seek the initial chair for the new oversight group. Once appointed, the Chair will be brought into the final decisions on the 13 members of the oversight group.
To help you decide whether this is an opportunity for you, we have attached a copy of the draft Terms of Reference (ToR), which outlines the proposed purpose and makeup of the group, as well as member expectations. The group is expected to finalise the ToR when they meet for the first time.
To express your interest in becoming a member of the group please self-nominate or nominate someone else by
completing this online form by COP Friday 13th September. If you have any questions about the oversight group, please email
[email protected].