EAUC Members lead the way in HEFCE benchmarking

20th November 2006

An enthusiastic group of universities and colleges is trialling the appropriateness of Business in the Community’s (BITC’s) Environment and Corporate Responsibility (CR) Indices for the Higher Education Sector. The project originated from the strong support it received at the EAUC’s annual conference two year ago and is funded by HEFCE, who are also interested in gauging the success of their Sustainability Policy. Leeds Metropolitan University, a veteran of the BITC Environment Index, is actively leading the project.

The project is now in its second year and participation has increased from 12 institutions in the first round up to 17 this year. Earlier on numbers were approaching 30 however 10 potentials have pulled out mostly due to resource demand. The good news is that all are keen to pick up at a later date, with a few still continuing but at their own pace. The first year saw the majority of participants (9 institutions) submit environment surveys and 3 complete the full CR. This year ratios are similar with 4 brave institutions submitting information on their full CR activities.

What is interesting this year is that all 17 institutions are brand new to the Indices, whereas last year 6 of the participating institutions had been involved in BITC Yorkshire & Humber Regional Benchmarking programme for up to six years. In fact, it was this participation that lead to HEFCE funding the pilot project; inviting universities and colleges from across England to take part. Each of the 6 institutions from northern England can show statistically significant improvement in their environmental management, impact and reporting since joining BITC’s benchmarking programme.

So far this year, participants have either submitted their surveys or will have done so by the end of November. Reviews take place over the next few weeks and feedback reports will be sent later in December.

Finally in January a consultation meeting will be held, hosted by the University of Warwick. All 29 institutions in the pilot (both last years and this years entrants) will be invited to give their views on the appropriateness of the Indices for the HE Sector together with suggestions for the ongoing use of the Index tools.

A final report will be prepared for HEFCE based on the key findings from the benchmarking activities, feedback from participants, recommendations and a proposal to HEFCE for the future use of the Indices.

So far it is encouraging that all participants are enthusiastic about continuing to benchmark their environmental performance and eventually their broader corporate responsibility activities. The general view is that this is an investment in time and resources that will contribute to improved practice within each individual institution - and thus contribute to the measurable success of HEFCE’s new sustainability policy. There are many institutions waiting to join the programme and also waiting eagerly to hear the outcome of the pilot project.

If you would like further information on the project please contact Liesl Truscott, project manager for BITC tel: 01225 464 305 or email; liesl@csrconsultancy.com