Calling all students! Positive Projects Competition for EAUC Scotland Conference
29th January 2014
Are you helping deliver an exciting project with a positive impact on sustainability at your institution and on your fellow students? Then
EAUC Scotland wants to hear about it.
We seek two University students and two College students to present their Positive Projects at our Scotland Conference on the 20 February 2014 in Glasgow.
Find out more
To enter the competition and a chance to be chosen to present on your project, please email your submission to
Hanna URGENTLY outlining:
1. Student's name, email, phone number, institution, degree and year of study
2. The title and an outline of your Positive Project. [200 words max]
3. A description of your involvement
4. The difference / impact your Positive Project has made to your University / College.
Please note you must be studying in Scotland to be eligible. Joint submissions accepted.
The Prizes:
The winners share their experiences at the conference afternoon session. You have the stage set to show what students can really do! In addition, the chosen students will win:
1. Support in effective presentation to build your skills and experience in presenting
2. CV and interview skills advice from
Change Agents
3. An energy monitor for tracking your home electricity use
4. A bottle of Champagne (recipients must be over 18)
If you have any questions please contact Hanna Plant on
[email protected] or 07879486169. Good luck!