Call for sustainability-orientated New Year's resolutions

19th December 2017

We want to inject a bit of fun into the wind down for Christmas by collecting some really good sustainability-orientated New Year’s resolutions that we can turn into graphics and suggest as simple changes for people to make in 2018 to help people, planet and prosperity.
Please send us your inspiration!! Send it to [email protected]
You’ll have to be quick though! The office closes on the 22nd December. You can send them from you individually, or from your department/institution/organisation. Just let us know who we can attribute them to. We’d like to do one a day for the whole of January.
Some examples:
My New Years resolution is to choose an SDG each month and work out how to work a little information about it into at least one of my lessons/lectures/workshops/conversations.
My New Years resolution is to volunteer more with a charity this year
My News Years resolution is to buy an oxygenating plant for every room in my house and to stop forgetting my reusable bags when shopping
My News Years resolution is to cycle to work more
My New Years resolution is to go 3 months without buying a drink that comes in a paper or plastic cup/bottle. 
Call for sustainability-orientated New Year's resolutions image #1