Call for Hosts
4th August 2017
Beyond COP21 University/College Symposium – Call for Hosts
Peter Milne, Founder/Director of Target4Green, is currently looking for an EAUC Member University or College to host a free pilot Beyond COP21 Symposium in the academic year 2017/18, as part of their engagement programme with local schools.
Beyond COP 21 is a global series of symposia that started in January 2016 in Dubai, aimed at engaging hundreds of educational communities. With the support of Eco-Schools Global, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots and, events have already taken place in 4 host schools( one in the UK, one in Jordan and two in Dubai, with another three confirmed for 2018 in the UK, Singapore and UAE.)
The event consists of themed high impact presentations, guest speakers, networking, pledge making and practical activities/workshops based around the post Paris and the SDGs agendas.
Local ´sustainable´ companies and organisations are invited to discuss and demonstrate their products and services, and interact with the students and teachers, in the Sustainability Showcase taking place throughout the day. Local schools are invited to bring students and teachers to participate in the full day programme.
The event at Walhampton School, for example, attracted 25 exhibitors and 7 local state and independent schools, with over 500 students participating all together.
The Beyond COP 21 Symposium provides an ideal platform for:
- Strengthening students & teachers capacity to own climate & SDGs issues
- Fostering collaboration and action across & within national/local communities
- Confronting students & teachers with experts in these issues and companies providing solutions to local/global sustainable development issues.
- Continuing and amplifying the dialogue through traditional and social media
Please confirm your interest to host a pilot to Peter
[email protected]