Agenda announced for NEW Carbon Intensive Research Group meeting - book your FREE place now!

21st October 2010

Agenda announced for first meeting of the new EAUC Carbon Intensive Research Universities and Colleges Group meeting - book your free place now by emailing

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to remind you all that the first get together for CIRUC group is on the 29th October, 10:00 (coffee etc) for 10:30 start at the University of Birmingham, Seminar Room, Health and Safety Unit, 54 Pritchatts Rd. We hope to finish no later than 3pm and a buffet lunch is provided.

The aim of the meeting is to get carbon intensive research Universities together to identify the issues that affect them and to discuss how different Universities are approaching the carbon challenge.

If there are issues you would like to discuss please drop me a line, but to kick things off I am proposing the following agenda,


1. Key issues review - what areas do the group members want to discuss?

a. General discussion to make sure we are focusing on the right issues

2. Carbon Management Plans

a. Discussion on what targets HEI's have set and what activities are within plans

b. General discussion of carbon plans

3. Voltage Optimisation

a. Discuss a new project at Bristol

4. Fume Cupboards

a. Finding out what people are doing to reduce energy use in this area

5. Air conditioning

a. Again finding out what actions people have been taking to reduce energy here

6. Labs in general

7. Green ICT

Martin Whitehead has also kindly suggested giving a 5/10 minute talk on what is happening at Cambridge, which might be a good way to start off the discussion.

The agenda is not fixed, just a suggest to get things started and we can discuss as much or as little of it as you like.

Please get back to me or to Kate Graham at the EAUC to say if you are coming (if you haven't said already).

Also please get back to me if you want to add any particular issues to the agenda.


Martin Wiles
Head of Sustainability
University of Bristol
1-9 Old Park Hill

0117 928 8034
fax - 0117 925 5053 <>