Aberystwyth Green Fayre 2014

30th October 2014

This is a blog post written by Emma-Louise Aston, about the Green Fayre held at Aberystwyth University. 

On Wednesday 29 October, I travelled across the delightful Welsh countryside to Aberystwyth University where the first ever Green Fayre in Wales, was taking place.

The day consisted of several exhibitors, including EAUC, and a comprehensive seminar programme. The Fayre was organised and designed to promote sustainability and the great work that is happening internally at the university and also the fantastic opportunities there are to work and volunteer within the local community. The purpose of EAUC being part of an event such as this is to help the institution raise awareness of sustainability and the wider journey that is taking place. Last year EAUC opened up access to Membership for students, this is because we truly believe that by engaging with your students and giving them the opportunity to have a voice will allow a stronger and more powerful sustainability presence within your institution. Following on from the Fayre, Aberyswyth University now has nearly twenty students signed up to their EAUC Membership. 

I personally thought that the Fayre was well organised and the exhibitors who were in attendance were an expert choice for the audience, who were made up of both staff and students at Aberystwyth University and not forgetting the odd member of public!

Overall the event was very positive and it was great to see staff and students actively looking to be involved in the sustainability initiatives that are taking place around Aberystwyth. I hope to see the Green Fayre taking place again, if not on an annual basis!

If you are holding a similar event in your institution and think you could benefit from having EAUC in attendance, please do get in touch with us.

> Find out more about the other inspiring projects that are happening at Aberystwyth University   

Written by Emma-Louse Aston, Member Events and Communities Officer, EAUC.

Do you have any comments on this post or wish to add more? Tweet us! @TheEAUC
Aberystwyth Green Fayre 2014 image #1 Organisers Heather Crump and Chris Woodfield