The Future of Education for Sustainable Development in the UK
8th October 2012
The EAUC are bringing together organisations and the Government following the strong educational commitments resulting from Rio+20.
The EAUC has been very active in the lead up to the Rio+20 Earth Summit, working with numerous sustainability focused Tertiary Education organisations across the globe and, along with the EDG, liaising with other NGOs in the UK to shape the Rio+20 outcome document ‘The Future We Want’ (FWW).
Although the Future We Want document (see below) has not achieved what many of us hoped for, in some areas it is more articulate than expected. We are pleased that the document outlines a very strong support for education for sustainable development.
Now the FWW document has been endorsed by the United Nations, we are in the position to ask the UK government (and each other) to outline what supporting mechanisms will be put in place to facilitate this agenda and how we can further stimulate dialogue and collaboration between all stakeholders.
The EAUC is facilitating an event, on 14 November at the University of Westminster, that aims to engage influential stakeholders from the education community in discussion around how this important agenda could be taken forward and how NGOs, Government and Agencies can work together to accelerate constructive change for sustainability through formal and informal education.
The Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who was present at the Earth Summit, is invited to respond to the education agenda in the FWW document at the event. We have also invited the Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove to respond as he was consulted in the period leading up to the Summit. Further invitations have gone out to MPs of respective political parties, Times Higher Education and Guardian.
We are asking each organisation to draft a one page response to the document below. All responses will be collated into one document that will form the basis of discussions at the event.
This event is
by invitation only, if however you feel your organisation should be represented please contact us on
[email protected].
A list of invited organisations can be found below:
- Change Agents
- Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland
- Deputy Prime Minister
- Earth Charter
- EDG at Aquaculture Wales
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- Environmental Audit Committee
- Field Studies Council
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Forestry Commision
- Forum for the Future
- Friends of the Earth
- Future World Council
- Green Economy Coalition
- Greenpeace
- Guardian
- Institute of Education
- Kings College London
- Leadership Foundation
- London South Bank University
- Natural History Museum
- Ofsted
- Oxfam
- Peace Child International
- People & Planet
- Quality Assurance Association
- Race Equality Network
- Royal Yachting Association
- Scottish Executive Sustainable Development Forum
- Scottish Funding Council
- Secretary of State for Education
- Stakeholder Forum
- Times Higher
- Universities UK
- University of Westminster