Monodraught case study: Low Energy Ventilation and Cooling – Anglia Ruskin University

Tags: university | case study | energy efficiency | natural ventilation | Sunpipe | low carbon solutions | natural lighting | Monodraught | natural cooling | Cool-phase | low energy systems | Windcatcher | Anglia Ruskin


Monodraught case study: Low Energy Ventilation and Cooling – Anglia Ruskin University  image #1

Bryant Building Computer Room

In January 2013 a computer room used by the Faculty of Science and Technology at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge had its aging air conditioning system replaced with two Cool-phase low energy cooling and ventilation systems. The units were fitted discreetly within the existing ceiling void.

‘I am very excited by this technology and the opportunity to improve student comfort without increasing the energy burden to Anglia Ruskin’, said Andy Lefley, Assistant Director of Building Services, Estates & Facilities.

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