Member Spotlight - Oxfam Collects

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Oxfam Collects 

Oxfam is a global humanitarian, development and campaigning organisation working with others to overcome poverty and suffering. Oxfam also has around 700 high street shops selling donated fashion, books, music, homewares and new ethical products. If your organisation wants to engage its employees in sustainability and environmental issues then Oxfam Collects can help. Oxfam Collects is a workplace scheme designed to make donating second hand items as hassle free as possible. Oxfam will resell, reuse or recycle unwanted items to raise money fighting poverty in poor communities around the world.

EAUC Member Spotlight

Each month, the EAUC showcases one of their Members as a Member Spotlight. Having earned the recognition, these Spotlights show off your work and achievements. If you'd like to be in the Spotlight, contact the EAUC at [email protected].