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Tags: spotlight | member | member spotlight | Bradford | ecoversity
Ecoversity is the University of Bradford’s programme of embedding sustainable development into the entire institution. This ambitious programme is creating systemic change in the University's practices, behaviours and norms. It covers sustainability performance - embedding education for sustainable development in the learning experience of ALL students; and prioritising and advocating social and ethical responsibility, well-being and community engagement. Most significantly it seeks to shift the institutional culture to where sustainable development becomes the norm, rather than an exception or bolt-on.
EAUC Member Spotlight
Each month, the EAUC showcases one of their Members as a Member Spotlight. Having earned the recognition, these Spotlights show off your work and achievements. If you'd like to be in the Spotlight, contact the EAUC at [email protected].
The number one resource
for sustainability in post-16 education
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