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Tags: procurement | guide | sustainable | catering | fish | MSC | GBS | MCS
Government Buying Standards (GBS) for procurement of fish for food and catering services require that it is demonstrably sustainable which includes fish listed by the Marine Conservation Society as Fish to Eat or Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fish or equivalent and that no fish from the MCS Fish to Avoid List are used.
Download a pdf of the guide, which folds to credit-card size, so that you can see for yourself the type of information or advice contained in it and therefore how distributing it through your catering outlets will raise awareness of the sustainability of fish amongst your clients and of the commitment being made by the public sector including your various establishments as a result of compliance with GBS.
MCS would love your help to make sure they are bringing you the best guide they can and to better understand what is important to you when buying sustainable seafood. If after you've had a look at the guide and you have a few minutes could you answer their short survey?
Bernadette Clarke
Fisheries Officer (Fishonline)
Marine Conservation Society (MCS)
Tel: 01989 566017
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