Legal Spotlight - September 2014

Tags: waste | recycling | spotlight | legislation | EMS | legal | legal spotlight | ISO14001 | consultation | targets | batteries


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Produced by Revise Ltd for EAUC Members only

With the Government’s current interest in the environment and all things ‘green’, the legislation that affects the further and higher education sector is changing all the time. With new Acts of Parliament, changing regulations and updates to guidelines, it is hard for anyone to keep track but knowing how to comply is a must. These updates are only accessible to EAUC Members.

In this issue:

• European Commission adopts proposals for new waste and recycling targets
• Consultation opens on the Batteries Directive
• SWMP to remain optional in Wales
• Have your say on the revised ISO 14001 EMS
• Mandatory plastic bag charges prove successful in Northern Ireland
• European Commission adopts proposals for new waste and recycling targets
• Consultation opens on the Batteries Directive

Disclaimer: The information presented here provides an overview of legislation relevant to tertiary education. It does not constitute professional legal advice and in all cases where you intend to give an opinion or act on the content expressed here you should first obtain such advice.