Interface - Just the Facts - Acoustics Aug 2013

Tags: guide | leadership | environmental | recycle | organic | flooring | manufacturing | carbon neutral | natural

When choosing the most sustainable flooring products you first need ‘Just the Facts’.

The marketing world has woken up to sustainability and the result is the introduction of a blizzard of product claims, such as ‘carbon neutral’, ‘recyclable’, ‘natural’, ‘fair-trade’, ‘organic’ and ‘environment friendly’, to name just a few.

But true sustainability is too complex to be explained by a single product benefit or green label.

‘Just The Facts’ is Interface's campaign to see through the ‘greenwash’ and achieve full product transparency from all manufacturers in the flooring industry.

This guide explains how you can assess the sustainability of different products and the companies that make them. And it outlines the right questions to ask manufacturers in order to understand the full story behind a product’s backing, its acoustic qualities and the true impact of its transportation.

For more information on Interface commercial flooring, please call 08705 30 40 30 or email: [email protected].