Influence 2019! - Night Owl A Cross collaboration & existing technology to save energy

Tags: energy | university | 2019 | influence2019 | waste management | influence | estates | lighting | savings | Oxford | consultancy | Brookes | jon | night | time | usage | cooper | michael | esvelt

An energy efficiency consultancy and real estate researcher both based at Oxford Brookes University have joined forces to find energy savings. This session provided a case study from Oxford Brookes campus where night time savings were identified by bringing together functions from Estates and Facilities, 15 years of energy management knowledge, and an image assessment tool that knows when energy is being waste.

They summarised the process, looked to next steps for the project, and invited collaboration with other EAUC members.  

You may never look at your lighting the same way again!

This session was part of Influence, the EAUC’s 2019 Annual Conference. All resources from the day can be found here.