Influence 2019! National Clean Air Day- what are we doing to advance the achievement of clean air

Tags: 2019 | influence2019 | influence | air | James | Longhurst | health risk | National Clean Air Day | day | clean

June 20th 2019 was National Clean Air Day.  The World Health Organisation describe air pollution as the world’s biggest environmental health risk. In the UK, some 40,000 premature deaths occur due to exposure to fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide whilst countless more suffer ill health.

Air pollution is estimated to cost the UK some £20 billion per annum in health care costs and lost productivity. Through a round table discussion, this session discussed “what is the role of universities through research, teaching, operations and community engagement to address this public health emergency?”

This session was part of Influence, the EAUC’s 2019 Annual Conference. All resources from the day can be found here.