Influence 2019! - Influence Future Waste Management Campaigns – Creating Resources We Can Share

Tags: waste | wrap | management | influence2019 | resources | campaign | Worcester | Service | recycling practices | greenwich | inlfuence | standardisation | guard | kimberley | katy | lewis | boom | ailsa | gordon | iain

It is widely accepted that we need standardisation in our recycling practices along with clear and consistent messaging however what role can we play when there are so many inconsistencies in services.

In this session delegates looked to Influence the work of WRAP and shared ideas/requirements for national campaign(s) within FE/HE and the resources required to help become better at the basics and get recycling right. The goal is to provide WRAP with information as to what would benefit the sector so that signs, posters and digital assets that align us nationally can be created, helping us lead the way.

This session was part of Influence, the EAUC’s 2019 Annual Conference. All resources from the day can be found here.