Influence 2019!#DontBeTrashy! – Influencing behaviour change to increase recycling and reduce was

Tags: waste | college | recycling | change | 2019 | influence2019 | influence | London | recycle | behaviour | campaign | King's College London | levy | Kings | cup | disposable | trash | rate | olivia | preston | joshua | pullen

Delegates learned how King’s College London has increased its recycling rate by 25% in one year, and heard about innovative projects underway to reduce waste. This includes piloting a behaviour change campaign in residences, measuring the impact of a cup levy on disposables, and how KCL is partnering with networks across London to promote and scale solutions. KCL Sustainability Team shared lessons learned from these different projects, including easy wins, challenges to overcome, and unintended consequences to be aware of. 

Find out more by checking the resource available.

This session was part of Influence, the EAUC’s 2019 Annual Conference. All resources from the day can be found here.