This year the Annual EAUC Conference entitled "Influence!" took place at The University of Manchester on the 19th and 20th June.
We all rely on our influence to get things done. Every time we meet a student, colleague or member of the senior management team we draw on our experience and skill to change hearts and minds.
Today, right now, we face a multitude of environmental, economic and socio-political challenges, so every opportunity to affect decision making is critical. Every interaction has the potential to change hearts, minds and institutional policy.
Academics, researchers, students, campus managers and of course sustainability leaders, we all have a part to play in impacting on and creating sustainable campuses, curricula, leadership, and a sustainable future.
Delegates from every part of the post 16 education sector came together at INFLUENCE! to build new insights and develop skills to shape and bring about sustainable institutions. We had a range of delegates including environmental and sustainability staff and students, lecturers and academics, researchers, senior managers, estates and facilities officers, support professionals and, of course, students.
By increasing the power of our personal and professional influence, this conference empowered us all to persuade, lead, motivate and inspire those around us. Don’t just inform, INFLUENCE!
From research to practice: Developing interventions with influence. Bring Your Own Bowl (BYOB) is a food waste behaviour change and student community building intervention.
The session enabled delegates to influence their own universities to achieve zero carbon by creating a collaborative approach into the future.
It brings together powerful networks of businesses and governments, in order to shift global markets and policies towards accelerating climate action
KCL Sustainability Team shared lessons learned from these different projects, including easy wins, challenges to overcome, and unintended consequences to be aware of.
An energy efficiency consultancy and real estate researcher both based at Oxford Brookes University have joined forces to find energy savings.
Following on from the plenary focusing on Greater Manchester’s Carbon Target this session focused on what universities and colleges have done in response to the Climate...
This session offered the delegates the chance to hear from one of the University’s senior lecturers about how a new course is being constructed for The University of...
Why don’t more people see the urgency around climate change and take more action? Why are we sleepwalking our way into changes that will affect the future of humanity?
This session looked at how you can ensure you are as effective as possible in getting your message across, how to build your influence and go about persuading senior management.