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Tags: sustainability | Student Engagement | International | biodiversity | Green Gown Awards Australasia | 2015 | The University of Melbourne
C15Hack – Australia’s biggest green innovation hackathon
C15Hack was Australia’s biggest green innovation hackathon. 41 students worked in small teams to tackle 7 different challenges from across the campus and Melbourne city-wide. They had 24 hours and a designed process, with tons of great prizes, challenges and activities along the way. The winning team, Wildversity, has gone on to gain seed funding through the University’s Green Innovation Fund for their campus biodiversity app.
1. Don’t get ready, get started! The best ideas don’t mean anything without a team that will make it happen.
2. Think of everything as a learning experience. Perfection is the end-point which you never reach, but as long as you enjoy the process, good things will happen.
3. Identify your underlying individual goals and objectives first. These will be important to return to when it starts to get tough.
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