The 2014 Green Gown Awards Australasia winners are delighted to share their sustainability initiatives with you. The winners and finalists have worked very hard to create easily accessible, highly visual best practice case studies and short videos.
Be inspired by over 20 new resources, with even more recently added, across eight categories from our winners, highly commended and finalists. These add to our ever growing suite of innovative Green Gown Awards Australasia project case studies and videos. Going back to 2011 this now represents 4 years of Awards Excellence!
Now in their sixth year, the Green Gown Awards Australasia aim to not only recognise worthy winners but to share their success stories with you, disseminating the learning's far and wide. So if you are passionate about sustainability and need some fresh inspiration for a new or current project then look no further!
Growing at Griffith focuses on three innovative biodiversity projects that builds on Griffith’s commitment to maintaining environmental integrity on its campuses.
Thinking outside the rectangle: beyond the carpark for sustainable transport. In a few short years, implementation of the University of Tasmania’s sustainable transport...
The EcoCentre is a key element of Griffith University’s Griffith Science group and promotes an encouraging message that the knowledge, existing framework and resources to...
The Trickle Effect – Working flexibly with Aboriginal communities to build capability in resource efficiency. A state wide delivery of the Cert Iv Home Sustainability Assessment...
tate of the Tropics. Half of the world’s population and 67% of the world’s children under 15 years of age will be living in the Tropics by 2050, raising serious...
Youth Eco Summit – Linking and leveraging social responsibility and sustainability in GWS and beyond. The unique internationally recognised Youth Eco Summit (YES) held annually...
Give them wings and they will fly! Transforming VET Teachers into Sustainability Champions. Equipping Australian industries with employees who possess and can apply relevant...
Progressing sustainability via continuous pursuit of environmental excellence. The University of Auckland has come a long way since the early 1980s when we first started...
Doing the right thing – a holistic approach to sustainability. At Otago Polytechnic we believe in doing the right thing. Our goals are to have every graduate a sustainable...
Shaping Sustainable Cities. RMIT’s vision is to be urban in orientation and creativity, shaping sustainable cities and drawing inspiration from the challenges and...
Durack prides itself on being a leader in sustainability, and decided to embark on a project with staff and external stakeholders to develop a Sustainability Strategy.
The Green Gown Awards Australasia Winners’ summary 2014 provides a summary of the projects recognised by this year's Awards, the International Awards and the ACTS...
The Winners' Brochure for the International Green Gown Awards 2014 which brings together the finalists and winners of these Awards which are growing globally.