Green Gown Awards – 2023 – 2023 International Green Gown Awards

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The International Green Gown Awards 2023, in association with Allianz GI, are now open for applications! The Awards provide an opportunity for institutions across the world to be recognised for their outstanding, change-making efforts in sustainability that impacts their student and staff communities. 

The deadline for applications is Friday, 31st March 2023.

What's new and updated for 2022?

NEW CATEGORY - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Sustainability

NEW CATEGORY - Nature Positive

In partnership with and endorsed by the UN Environment Programme, the International Green Gowns are looking for inspirational sustainability leaders across FE and HE sectors, that are raising the bar and leading the way.

The International Green Gown Awards are in partnership with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and International Association of Universities (IAU).

The ethos of the International Green Gown Awards is to ensure the lessons and example of good practice are shared and will put universities and colleges as leaders in sustainability, as well as having the opportunities to continue their learning from global leaders. The International Green Gown Awards are administered by EAUC.

Full details on categories and guidance for 2023 can be found on the Green Gown Awards website.

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