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Tags: Student Engagement | Green Gown Awards 2020 | Edinburgh Napier University
It’s Time for Change - What will yours be?
‘Time for Change’ was an awareness and behavioural change campaign run by staff and students at Edinburgh Napier University. The campaign aimed to inspire students and staff to commit to making positive changes to reduce our environmental impact.
We held a high-profile event with the director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, hosted a series of events run in collaboration with our students, and created an online communications programme to raise awareness of the individual changes students and staff could make.
Our campaign led to a significant change in behaviour, with an 18% reduction in disposable cup use, and a 680% increase in page views on our student platform’s sustainability pages. It also led to sustainability being given a higher priority in the new University strategy.
We are proud our campaign was not built by staff for our students - it was built alongside our students, and their voices and ideas contributed to its success.
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for sustainability in post-16 education
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