Green Gown Awards 2019 - Loughborough University - Finalist

Tags: green gown awards 2019 | benefitting society | Loughborough University

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The Fruit Routes Initiative is a platform for community projects connecting the university with the local community. The activities mainly focus on sustainability and art and try to enhance the engagements between campus and the town.  

One of the most popular activities is the annual fruit harvest on campus. In partnership with our School of Architecture academics and students an Apple store was designed as a focal point of these activities.  

Architecture students attended a Summer school where they were asked to design and ultimately build the store fulfilling the aim to work towards ‘enhancing and building communities’ as part of their architecture profession as this aspect is more important than ever before. 

Top 3 learnings:

  • It was fascinating to see the engagement of two really different design cultures
  • The brief must balance the client need whilst allowing students the freedom to be as creative as possible
  • Working on the campus with a live project engaging students is hugely rewarding