The University of Cambridge Catering Service has initiated a ground-breaking Sustainable Food Policy which aims not just to adopt good practices from across the catering industry, but also to lead the way in ‘making the right choice easy’ – providing and promoting tasty foods that are better for the environment.
The bold policy includes a conscious decision to remove ruminant meat from menus and to actively promote vegetarian and vegan options. It has been put in place using a Living Lab approach, following advice and input by academics and research at the University.
The impact of the policy is being closely monitored, with very positive initial results. A key focus is on collaboration and sharing results with other local catering providers, suppliers, and Universities.
Top 3 learnings:
1 Collaborate with others, including academics and suppliers, to find the best solution.
2 Communication is great for delivering action, but should be secondary to making change that is easy and intuitive for users.
3 Do not get complacent after the successful roll out of a new initiative. Keep reviewing to make sure it is having the desired impact.
CO2t savings over the life cycle of the project:
109 tonnes (Estimated, per year)