Green Gown Awards 2017 - The University of Nottingham - Finalist

Tags: Green Gown Awards 2017 Finalist | food and drink | food poverty | social enterprise


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Foodprint is a social enterprise tackling food poverty and food waste simultaneously. Through their soon-to-open social supermarket, they will be selling food collected from supermarkets and local businesses that does not meet shop shelf standard, yet is still perfectly edible, and selling it at extremely discounted prices to vulnerable individuals, therefore targeting food waste and food poverty simultaneously.

The store is located in Sneinton, one of Nottingham’s ‘target wards’ where levels of child poverty exceed the national average. By being able to offer extremely low prices they expect to have a large positive impact in decreasing food poverty in the area, while simultaneously decreasing the amount of food thrown away to then accumulate in landfills generating greenhouse gasses CO2 and Methane.

Foodprint will also specialise in healthy foods, increasing awareness in the area about the importance of a healthy diet.

Top 3 learnings:

1 Ask the difficult questions when looking at your business model.

2 Meet like-minded people in your community, it’s great motivation.

3 Build a good support network.

CO2t savings over the life cycle of the project:

10 over 3 years
