INSPIRE – at the University of Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD), is a virtual institute overseeing the systematic and systemic introduction and embedding of sustainability principles across all the university’s activities through our culture, curriculum, campus and community. It monitors and reports progress using a number of different avenues, highlighting the University’s activity in supporting the sustainability agenda locally, regionally and nationally.
AT UWTSD we have developed a suite of KPI’s which voluntarily support the sustainability principles of the Wellbeing of Future Generation (Wales) Act, in particular a specific KPI – Embedding Sustainability, thus creating our own strategic ‘golden thread’ within the organisation. Through INSPIRE, the whole university’s operations are now subject to Key Performance Indicators to test this approach across all the university’s activities.
Our system-based approach, delivers educational pathways promoting learning and social responsibility that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
1 Engagement is key, staff, students and stakeholders will have great ideas given the chance to express them
2 Don’t plan to do it all in the first year, taking the time to evaluate your position and form a plan was crucial to success
3 Share your success, ensure that all involved in the project are aware of how their contribution has led to the overall success of the project.