Green Gown Awards 2014 - Social Responsibility - University of Aberdeen - Finalist

Tags: awards | community | partnership


Green Gown Awards 2014 - Social Responsibility - University of Aberdeen - Finalist image #1 Green Gown Awards 2014 - Social Responsibility - University of Aberdeen - Finalist image #2 Green Gown Awards 2014 - Social Responsibility - University of Aberdeen - Finalist image #3

Project SEARCH Aberdeen

Project SEARCH is a one year Internship programme supporting young people with additional needs to gain skills and experience to go on to employment. Project SEARCH Aberdeen is a collaboration between the University of Aberdeen, Inspire (Partnership Through Life) and North East Scotland College, operated under a licence from the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities (SCLD).

Following the completion of the programme, eleven of the first cohort of twelve Interns have already secured employment, with three of the Interns being appointed to full-time permanent posts within the University. These Interns are excellent role models for young people with additional needs who are seeking to develop their independence and embark upon a rewarding future.

In June 2014, Project SEARCH Aberdeen received recognition as the foremost up and coming new site of 2013/14 at the Project SEARCH European Conference. In addition, the team was recognised within the 2013 SURF Award for Best Practice in Community Regeneration accolade received by Project SEARCH Scotland.

Top 3 learnings

1 The importance of initiatives to enhance the awareness and understanding of the needs of those with learning disabilities
2 The importance of sharing learning and best practice with individuals and organisations at a local, national and international level
3 The importance of developing, maintaining and continuously enhancing the partnership approach to meet the needs of the host business, the Interns and employers within the local area.
