Through interactive events, Your Green Future demonstrates to school students the employment opportunities available to them within the low carbon economy.
University students and staff combine with industry professionals in supported workshops aimed at making the link between the classroom and career opportunities that work to develop a sustainable future.
Your Green Future events in June 2013 and June 2014 have brought together over 750 young people from 35 schools and colleges across Hereford and Worcester.
The events stem from the recognition that environmental technologies and the low carbon economy are key growth sectors for the UK, and the need to actively engage young people – the future working population – in developing skills that are required to work within relevant industries.
1 Take time to set up a local delivery team, it’s essential to understand all stakeholders’ involvement in the project
2 As this is an interdisciplinary collaboration, including outreach and participation, take time for developing university students’ input into the project
3 It is a unique interface for business, universities and schools and their students; providing discussions and learning opportunities that are mutually inspiring and informative.