Green Gown Awards 2014 - Continuous Improvement: Institutional Change - Aston University - Finalist

Tags: sustainability | awards | education | carbon reduction | behaviour change


Green Gown Awards 2014 - Continuous Improvement: Institutional Change - Aston University - Finalist image #1 Green Gown Awards 2014 - Continuous Improvement: Institutional Change - Aston University - Finalist image #2 Green Gown Awards 2014 - Continuous Improvement: Institutional Change - Aston University - Finalist image #3

Aston Go Green

Aston Go Green is a catchall term to summarise the wide range of sustainability initiatives at Aston University. The main benefits to the University have been legal compliance and financial savings. Benefits to individuals are better working environments, on a greener campus, incentives for sustainable travel, with healthier and more ethical food choices.

Since 2005/6, the University has made a 22% absolute reduction in its scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions, despite an increase in staff and student numbers. Since 2008, 20% fewer people are driving to campus, 13% more people are using public transport and 10% more are walking and cycling. Today 91% of its waste is recycled.

Aston University has adopted high level commitment to sustainability, demonstrated by its appointment of Go Green Leaders and its annual Aston Excellence Award for Contribution to the Sustainable Campus.

Recognition for these improvements has been through the University’s EcoCampus accreditation, its position in the Green League and this shortlisting for a Green Gown Award.

Top 3 learnings

1 Success requires involvement of the entire university constituency
2 The university can/must function as a living laboratory
3 The near-surround community is an integral element.
