GGAA 2014 - Student Engagement - The University of Melbourne - Finalist

Tags: awards | procurement | International | fairtrade | trade | fair | products

Increasing Fair Trade at the University of Melbourne

As the University comprises about 50,000 students and staff, the consumer choices we make on campus matter. When we achieved Fair Trade Accreditation in 2012, we became committed to help reduce poverty and make a real difference to the lives of farmers and communities in the developing world. Since then, the initiative has grown in leaps and bounds across campus due to the diligent contributions of students as well as staff. 

Top 3 learnings:

  • Projects that involve students and staff collaborating together are always more rewarding and more engaging.
  • The way to have an engaging initiative is to understand your communication channels.
  • In order to increase Fair Trade at the University a greater understanding of staff and students knowledge base of Fair Trade needs to be addressed.
