The Financial Sustainability Symposium

1st Oct 2015 11:00 – 16:00

On Thursday 01 October (11:00-16:00) Ifs University College will host a second major Sustainability Development Event entitled ‘The Financial Sustainability Symposium’.  Following the success of their last event in 2012, where QAA Chairperson Anthony McClaran spoke about the new ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Guidance for UK HE Providers’ and a lively afternoon workshop on curriculum development followed, ifs University College would now like to share the progress and experiences faced so far with their curriculum review.  The Symposium will include speakers from Triodos Bank, Barclays and M&S Plan A - winners of several staff engagement awards - and will be held at our City Campus in Peninsular House.  The event is free to attend and will provide a great networking opportunity for LUEG/EAUC/ifs University College academic community members and students.

More information about this event, including how to register, can be found here. View this event on the EAUC website →