Sustainability Symposium 2025: From embedding to embodying ESD

18th Mar 2025 09:00 – 17:30

Sustainability Symposium 2025: From embedding to embodying ESD

Many institutions link their university strategy to the SDGs and integrate their sustainability plans across different aspects of university life. Likewise, sustainable citizenship requires collaboration across diverse cultures, disciplines, generations and perspectives to develop solutions to tackle complex problems. UNESCO identified core competencies for sustainability encompassing ways of thinking, ways of practicing and ways of being that enable learners to become sustainable citizens. Many of these competencies are critical attributes for graduate success and employability.   

The systematic literature review on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) published by Advance HE in September revealed some excellent emergent practices that support transformational and experiential learning approaches that provide the environment for these competencies to flourish. However, the review also underscored the need for more strategic and wide-reaching approaches that allow all students to develop and progress their sustainable citizenship.

This symposium will allow colleagues to share innovations in teaching and research around progressing sustainability in the higher education sector. We invite colleagues to consider how higher education needs to move forward with sustainability initiatives and education to ensure our and our students’ futures. The symposium will provide a space to discuss the latest practices in sustainability and education for sustainable development (ESD) through a keynote session, oral presentations, and workshops.  View this event on the EAUC website →