Research findings: sustainability in college learning and teaching - preliminary results

1st Oct 2024 15:30 – 16:30

Over the last 4 months, EAUC Scotland have been conducting research at Scotland's colleges to better understand the baseline of, barriers to, and potential breakthroughs for sustainability in learning and teaching.

What came out of this?

We will share our preliminary research findings and invite you to join this event. We would love to hear about whether our findings represent your experiences, so there will be space to discuss and provide feedback.

More information regarding the agenda and how you can get involved will follow close to time - sign up now to stay up to date.

Please note a recording of this session will not be shared, as we want to create a safe space to discuss the preliminary findings. We will share the final research results later in autumn when we publish our report.

This event is open to all, but we will prioritise giving spaces to people working in or closely with further and higher education.

To register for this event:
This event is free of charge, as are all EAUC Scotland's events to Scottish further and higher education institutions and to EAUC members.
If you don't have an EAUC account yet or are unsure how to register - simply email

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