Now What - Transforming Curriculum as an AASHE Regional Center for Sustainability

13th Apr 2018 14:00 – 15:00

Friday, April 13 at 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific

"Transforming Curriculum as an AASHE Regional Center"

Presenter: Krista Hiser, PhD
Professor of Composition & Rhetoric
Faculty Service & Sustainability Learning Coordinator, Kapi'olani Community College
Interim System Sustainability Curriculum Coordinator, UH Office of Sustainability (UHOS) 

*** This webinar is the second in SCC’s series in collaboration with AASHE showcasing the work of their “Sustainability Across the Curriculum” regional centers.  Other AASHE regional centers will be featured each month.

The MauĊ * Webinar series from University of Hawaii Office of Sustainability presents:

Now What?: Transforming Curriculum as an AASHE Regional Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum

The University of Hawaii System Office of Sustainability is excited to be recognized as an AASHE Regional Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum.  As part of this Sustainability Curriculum Series series highlighting the offerings of the AASHE regional centers, this webinar with Krista Hiser, the UH System Sustainability Curriculum Coordinator, will cover the following topics, according to the interests of the participants. How can our work help you?
Part 1: Nuts & Bolts: the mission, goals, and organization of the UH System Regional Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum; and a brief description of the institutes, workshops, courses, and virtual symposia we are planning through 2020.
Part 2: “S DESIGNATION” : our Sustainability Across the Curriculum mechanism:  a systemwide minor in Sustainability which is embedded in the general education curriculum.
Part 3: Meeting of Wisdoms: the intersection of indigenous epistemologies and western empirical science, and how our approach to sustainability is shaped by our unique island context.
Part 4: Assessment: how research, including focus groups and sustainability learning outcomes assessment pilots are informing our curriculum efforts.
Part 5:  Transforming Curriculum: how the AASHE Regional Centers can empower faculty to translate sustainability content, engage students through active pedagogies, and teach hard truths about climate change across all academic disciplines.

* MauĊ : the perpetuation of wellbeing

  View this event on the EAUC website →