Navigating the Net Zero transition for cities and regions: Renewable energy - The Carbon Trust

7th Aug 2024 09:30 – 10:30

Many of the critical actions needed to deliver Net Zero are local, and cities and regions are uniquely placed to facilitate and support delivery. This webinar series, led by experts from the Carbon Trust, focuses on practical aspects for progressing decarbonisation towards Net Zero. We will highlight the pivotal role cities and regions play in turning ambition in to implementation. Participants will learn how to transition from long term goals to clearly defined priority actions, with insights on planning and executing Net Zero initiatives effectively. The webinars will also explore strategies for local authorities and other public bodies to engage stakeholders, including commercial and investment partners, how to manage risks, and to deliver Net Zero programmes with widespread support that provide tangible local benefits.

Increasing renewable energy deployment is crucial for cities and regions to reach net zero. In this webinar our experts will discuss how to develop and implement renewable energy projects at the local level and the challenges involved. We will cover the steps required, from identifying potential land parcels and conducting feasibility assessments, to project development and planning, through to project implementation and operation. We will be joined by Dewi Day from Aberystwyth University to share the experience of successfully planning and implementing a ground-mounted solar PV project on university-owned land.

Who is this event for?
This webinar is for organisations who wish to develop renewable energy assets on their land and local authorities involved in renewable energy planning policy.

Bookings can be made here. View this event on the EAUC website →