Measuring Sustainability in the Curriculum Workshop
10th Jan 2018 13:30 – 16:30
Learning for Sustainability Scotland and
College Development Network for a workshop exploring current practice and new ideas for measuring sustainability within university and college curricula.
The latest Scottish Funding Council
Outcome Agreement Guidance for universities and colleges highlights the importance of
"ensuring students develop the understanding of environmental and social responsibility required for the workplaces of tomorrow". There is an ongoing conversation within the sector about how to measure sustainability within the curriculum in order to set a baseline and ensure progress, with this event planned to further these discussions.
At this event we hope to explore:
- Why measure sustainability in the curriculum?
- What have universities and colleges tried so far?
- What resources currently exist to support tertiary education or other sectors which it might be possible to adopt or adapt?
- What new tools, resources or information are required to progress this work?
Please find the Agenda for the Workshop available to download from this page.
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This event has been organised in response to a discussion on the EAUC-Scotland JiscMail Group, and is being progressed through the EAUC-Scotland Education for Sustainable Development
Topic Support Networks and Learning for Sustainability Scotland Further and Higher Education
Task Groups.
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Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this event or for support booking your place.