How will Brexit impact the sustainability sector in tertiary education? (EAUC Webinar)

27th Jun 2017 14:00 – 15:00

How will BREXIT impact the sustainability sector in tertiary education? Are there areas we need to take a view on as an organisation or should we be promoting potential eventualities to members? This webinar has looked at the opportunities for members and given them a chance to have their say and hear from a panel of experts on the topic. 

Why should I be interested? 

At this stage in government negotiations, it would be hard to have a definitive position, but if members want to see the EAUC take an active interest and potentially lobby on specific issues along with other organisations during the next 18 months, we need to hear from you. 

Who was this webinar for?

EAUC Members 

Key Learning Outcomes
  • Identified some key areas of impact members are most concerned about;
  • Will advise the EAUC Board on whether it should prioritise Brexit issues as part of its strategic focus;
  • Identified some members with a specific interest/knowledge base to contribute to the debate;
  • Identified some other organisations with which the EAUC might associate itself for networked views


Dr Jane Davidson is Pro Vice-Chancellor for Sustainability and Engagement and Director of INSPIRE at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David which is on a journey to embed sustainability throughout the university’s culture, campus and curriculum.    

Iain Patton is Chief Executive of the EAUC. Iain was the first dedicated Environmental Officer in a UK college and soon became an EAUC trailblazer. The EAUC aims to lead and empower the post-16 education sector to make sustainability 'just good business'.

Alex Bols is Deputy CEO at Guild HE, one of the two recognised representative bodies for Higher Education in the UK. Alex works closely with the CEO in developing and managing all aspects of the organisation’s mission and strategy.

Professor Chris Willmore is Professor of Sustainability and Law at the University of Bristol.

This webinar went very well with a high number of participants.
Resources are now available in the format of a recording of the webinar, and a pdf of the slides.



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