EAUC & UUCN: High-level Overview on Risk, Adaptation and Climate Impact Assessments

5th Sep 2023 10:00 – 11:30

EAUC, in partnership with the UK University Climate Network (UUCN), AUDE and BUFDG, are hosting this webinar.

Climate poses both physical and transition risks. This paper focuses on physical risks, including extreme weather events that impact people, operations and facilities across the HE & FE sector. Risk assessment is the first step towards identifying most significant weather-related threats and priorities for adaptation. This is fundamentally a proactive rather than reactive approach to managing both existing and anticipated climate risks.

Hazards faced by UK HE & FE Institutions include flooding from water courses and heavy rainfall, heatwaves, droughts, and storms. These can affect human and animal health, damage critical infrastructure, buildings and biodiversity, as well as disrupt transport systems, supply chains, research, teaching and sports activities. Extreme weather events can also interrupt essential services – such as food, water, and energy – supplied by third parties to institutions.

Following the UUCN guidance EAUC are hosting a series of webinars to better equip the sector on risk.

Who: Decision makers; Senior leaders; Sustainability practitioners and Risk experts

Speaker: Professor Rob Wilby, lead working paper and case study author and Professor of Hydroclimatic Modelling at Loughborough University and Convenor of the EAUC Risk Community of Practice.

The event is free and open to EAUC, AUDE, BUFDG & UUCN members.

You can view the webinar recording below:


EAUC & UUCN: High-level Overview on Risk, Adaptation and Climate Impact Assessments image #1 EAUC & UUCN: High-level Overview on Risk, Adaptation and Climate Impact Assessments image #2 EAUC & UUCN: High-level Overview on Risk, Adaptation and Climate Impact Assessments image #3 EAUC & UUCN: High-level Overview on Risk, Adaptation and Climate Impact Assessments image #4
View this event on the EAUC website →